moving on

#MondayMotivation - Going Back In Time

Ever have a moment or period in time you wish you could erase? Oh, how I wish I could go back and do a few things over and avoid a few other things.  But, here I am, unable to time travel more than a few hours.

Since I can’t go back, I am just moving forward.  The trend for a few of these Monday motivations have been a forward movement, as it’s all I can do.

The world is bigger than a moment or period of time.  The universe is infinite and I’m just one speck. I recently stared through a telescope on Oahu and it made me feel small and insignificant in the best way.  Nothing mattered, in a good way, and these stars burned light years away.  As much as I’d like to go back and redo something, the fact is that it doesn’t matter that much as life goes on.  New stars form, and we continue to spin madly on in the vastness and wonder that is existence.

This may seem a bit existential, but I’m only writing this to convince myself to abide by this mindset. I can keep trying, I can change my trajectory, and so can you if you want.

Top 10 Things I learned about Texas

If you haven’t heard, I’m leaving Texas. I’ve been here since March 31, 2011 so I’ve learned a few things in ten years. Here’s a list in a David Letterman style from 10 to one. Don’t come at me, this is just fo fun and in good spirits. Texas was (is) good to me. I met some nice people, had many great times, and rediscovered my need to be outdoors. DFW is a great hub for travel, Austin has great food, and the numerous small towns are quaint at to look at as you pass through. Enjoy!

10. There are no REAL seasons. It can be hot any day of the year and the the weather changes faster than in Michigan.

9. Whataburger is delicious, but even better when drunk, hungover, and/or it’s VERY late.

8. Texas beer is good… but doesn’t compare to Michigan or Minnesota.

7. Driving more than a few hours to get somewhere is normal life and you either adapt or don’t go anywhere.

6. When it rains, ices, or snows you better just stay home.

5. East Texas has some of the only trees in the state and they’re worth the drive.

4. Big Bend and Guadalupe Mountains are some of the best areas of the state. Fight me.

3. Many of the state parks are exactly the same and it is boring. They’re fine, and I’m grateful for them, but I am good.

2. Oklahoma isn’t as bad as Ohio.

1. You have to drive like an asshole to survive here because the people are either too slow or completely psychotic; there’s no in between.