Way Back Wednesday

#WayBackWednesday Mount Rainier National Park

When I lived in Olympia, I took every guest who visited to Mount Rainier National Park. I went so many times in 2023, and I’m grateful for each of those visits. I first visited the park back in 2018 on one of my random long weekends to the PNW while living in Texas. I thought today we could go back and look at some of my favorite photos and places throughout the park. Can’t wait to get back in 2024.

My First Visit to Mount Rainier NP

Skyline Trail Hike

Reflection Lake

Tipsoo Lake

Narada Falls

Skyline Trail Views

Sun Top Lookout (Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest)

Random Other Photos

#WayBackWednesday - Spring in Big Bend NP

This one time I got in my car at 11 pm and drove to Big Bend to see the spring blooms and and to get a couple of hikes in for March. I didn’t quite know what to expect, but I had heard the bluebells and other desert flowers were in bloom. The weather looked good, so I took off.

I hiked up the Lost Mine Trail Head and had some great views as the sun peaked over the hills and started shining brightly. Piñon pines, views for days, layered mesas… heaven!

From there, I drove through the park and did some of the Chimneys Trail. On this trail, I saw so many cacti blooms. The ocotillo are some of my favorite. Damn, I miss the desert.

My trip didn’t get me home until almost 24 hours after leaving. Reviewing the photos and reliving the moments has me missing the desert badly. There are some things I miss about Texas, and this is definitely one of of them.

#WayBackWednesday - Devils Churn

One of my favorite stops along the Oregon Coast is at Devils Churn within the Cape Perpetua Scenic Area. The entire Oregon Coast is quite magical, but this little spot has stood out since I first visited in 2008. In 2009, I went back and shared it with another friend because it was on my mind. Sadly, I have not been back since 2009 and I need to remedy that sooner rather than later. Enjoy some “okay enough” photos from my visits and keep an eye out for future photos.

#WBW - This one time in the UP

The year was 2015 and I was just laid off for the first time in my life. We left Texas and drove to Michigan and Minnesota to see family and friends. Here are some photos from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan that I loved - specifically Tahquamenon Falls. Cheers and have a good rest of the week.

#WBW - Kalaloch Beach

Kalaloch Beach is a beach I frequently visited this year and plan to keep in my rotation going forward. It’s a special place that I get to share with anyone who visits. I love it because it’s usually quiet, there’s plenty of space to spread out, and you can walk for miles. If you’re up in the Pacific Northwest, give it a visit.

#WBW - October in the Upper Peninsula

Taking it back to October 2008 in Michigan’s glorious Upper Peninsula. Friends and I went up to see some Subaru Rally event and got a fall color show along the way. Fun fact, I started at Old Navy before this trip and they wouldn’t honor my need for three days off (I worked 12 hours a week) so I quit.

Enjoy the fall color tour!

#WBW - Car Camping near Monjeau Peak, New Mexico

It was early in October 2020 and I was working on location in New Mexico. Since there was a pandemic happening, I drove to avoid flying and thus got to bring my camping gear! I went camping with my coworkers on the weekend up in the Lincoln National Forest. This was the first time I camped in my car and I was hooked for quick solo trips.

Monjeau Peak sits at about 9600 feet, and we camped just below probably near the 9000 foot mark. We set up camp at a little spot off the road near the Crest Trail. Memories like this make me miss hangs with my cool workers, my first Outback, and New Mexico in general. Enjoy!

#WBW - The joy of snow

Look at the line where the snow is falling!!

Visiting Portland, OR in November 2021 was a whirly-swirly dream. NO, there wasn’t snow in Portland, but there was snow up towards Mt. Hood. I had met up with my dear friend on the first day of my adventure and they decided to go along on the second and third days with me and suggested Trillium Lake. I was driving up, up, up the mountain toward the lake and had to stop at the rest area where the snow started to take it all in. It was SNOWING the big magical flakes! From there up, it was MORE snow and beautiful foggy/snowy views of the trees. Eventually, we got to the lake. It was a mix of snow and clouds, so no view of Mt. Hood but who cares? The trees were heavy with wet snow, and it felt magical walking through the woods with my friend. We were in our own world of laughing, snapping photos, and being free.

The conclusions drawn from this adventure are that snow is magical and with the right person, life is whimsical. Find the friends, lovers, whomever who bring out the magic and whimsy in you.

#WBW - My first visit to Mt. Rainier

Back in October 2018, I visited Mt. Rainier (Tahoma) for the first time. I met a friend though a Twitter chat and he agreed to show me the mountain. I met up with him, we drove out towards the park and saw the mountain at sunset. From there, we camped nearby so we could get into the park early the next day to watch the sunrise over the peak but not before visiting the park at dark. I’ll never forget the magical sights from this trip. Enjoy some photos - and if you’re going, try to see it in different lights!

My first, up-close view that wasn’t from the freeway (at sunset, nonetheless)

The view of the summit at night, glowing in the moonlight

Just before the sun rose

First light on the summit

THE GLOW of the sunrise is hitting the sky

Full daylight - the mountain reflecting

And a bonus, of me in the sunset glow

#WBW - Waterfall Wednesday

Here’s a look back at a quick little hike to a nice waterfall with one of my favorite people. We did the short hike, over some small hills, and found ourselves at this gorgeous waterfall. There was no one around, so the nature was all ours! We took our shoes off, rolled up our pants, and felt the cold rush of spring mountain water on our feet and legs. The comfort and relief I get from rushing, cold water over my feet is hard to describe. The whole hike was magic, and I’m often looking back to this day and how a simple spring hike with a dear friend made me so happy.

Murhut Falls - Olympic National Forest

Murhut Falls - a closer look

two peple standing in front of a waterfall

Myself and my dear friend posing for the memory - wet and happy

#WayBackWednesday - Monument Valley

2009 was the year of the third cross-country trip that changed the way I travel and see the world. You can read more about it HERE!

Looking back, my best bud Kevin and I hit Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park at the beginning of golden hour. Desert light, shadows, and that glorious red rock combined was a brilliant little drive through.

Always check park hours and operations at the website and pay the entrance fee!

#WayBackWednesday - N. Minnesota

September in Northern Minnesota can be completely magical. Back in 2020, I visited my buddy’s cabin and it was a relaxing weekend filled with good times, great weather, and tasty beers. I can’t wait to be closer to the cabin, so I can visit more frequently. (Read more about my love for Minnesota HERE!)

A Wisconsin staple in the Midwest beer world. PLUS, hammock time!

The sun was setting and pastels were popping.

The colors were starting to change - the green to yellow on these birch trees around the cabin

A little humor in the outhouse - we do use the outhouse sometimes (LOL)

Another angle - the sun setting on the lake, but a view from the boat

A lovely sour ale from one of my favorite breweries in Duluth, MN (a true delight on a mild late-September afternoon)

Some cool fungi on a log in the woods near the cabin

You may have to adjust your brightness, but it’s a night shot from the an iPhone 11 Pro Max. The stars over the lake and through the trees at the cabin are spectacular.

#WBW - New Mexico

I’ve had New Mexico on my brain this week so I thought I’d share a few photos for this “Way Back Wednesday” post. It was a great year of living for me, finding a little bit of myself and connecting with my newfound friends.

I lived in the southeast corner of the state, near Roswell. The landscape was desert, with mountains and forests and great sand dunes just hours away. The Land of Enchantment is truly dynamic and I can’t wait to go back and visit.

White Sands National Park - truly spectacular

Carlsbad Caverns National Park - one of great underground views

Nothing like a New Mexico Fall - up in the mountains, anyway

Always an abundance of forest service roads

I had some of the BEST camping trips with friends in New Mexico

Chewy learned to love camping, too

And, of course, New Mexico had some of the best sunsets

My year (or so) in New Mexico helped me feel confident in my car camping techniques. I found what worked, what I liked, and what I needed. I adventured more, wasn’t afraid to get a little dirty, and found myself staring at the sky even more. I’m forever grateful for my friends and the land of enchantment.

#WayBackWednesday - National Forest Edition

It’s National Forest Week here in the USA. I vote to have National Forest Week every week, because they’re just that dang special! I’m going to share some photos of the forest and a couple of little stories for this Way Back Wednesday revival. I have not included EVERY ONE of my favorite National Forests, that would take days, but here are a few for your enjoyment. May the forest be with you!

(Header photo is Tonto National Forest in Arizona)

Superior National Forest - Northern Minnesota

This place is special for many reason - namely the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. This series of lakes stretches across Northern Minnesota and offers great adventure for visitors. I’ve only ever been to the east end, this photo is at Pine Lake, but I have big plans to make my way through someday. The second photo is the BRT (Border Route Trail) which follows the US/CAN border.


Lincoln National Forest - New Mexico

Since starting a job that takes me to a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, I have found weekends in the Lincoln National Forest completely necessary and perfect. My aunt and I first visited before I took the job on a pre-fall trip, and I was hooked as soon as I smelled the Pine.


Santa Fe National Forest - New Mexico

Visiting Santa Fe National Forest is a treat. You climb up, out of the heat and into the trees. I’ve adventured here twice and always want to go back. There are trails, trees, and so much more. Every time I’ve camped, it’s rained, but it was never dull.


Olympic National Forest - Washington

For this little post, I thought I’d save one of my favorites for last. I feel a connection like no other when I’m on the Olympic Peninsula - including under the canopy of this forest. The National Park and National Forest go hand-in-hand out on the peninsula. From places in the forest you can view Mt. Rainier in all her glory and see the ocean and even Seattle, if that’s your thing. You can go hours without another soul to see or you can end up on a popular trail. There are endless waterfalls, rivers, and hills. It’s a paradise if you love the forest and less than tropical temps, usually. (My apologies if the photos overlap between NPS and USFS)


#WayBackWednesday - Backpacking

I keep saying that Friday I’m embarking on my first backpacking trip… that’s not ENTIRELY true. Back in 2010, my best bud Kevin and I did a “backpacking” trip (click here to see that post) at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. It wasn’t too far in, about a mile, and we took only regular sized gear as well as beer. It was a nice change of pace from state park camping, and afforded us a quick hike to the beach. All in all, I’d say it was a great intro to overnighting with a backpack. Each time we go to Kevin’s family cabin in Northern Minnesota, we also sort of “backpack” in. We are miles from phone service or actual utilities and we have to take everything by canoe/boat or sled, then on our backs, to the cabin. I was letting the anxiety related to the idea of backpacking get to me, mostly underestimating my own ability to persevere through situations. I am no quitter, I do push through, and once started, I don’t give up. I can’t wait to get to it and hike a few miles (4-5) to a campsite and explore the wilderness in Arizona this weekend.

Enjoy a few photos of previous “backpacking” trips, and know I’m going to call this upcoming weekend my first time because it will be with new people and more than a mile from the car or boat dock.

#WayBackWednesday - Ludington State Park, 2007. #PureMichigan

Back in 2007 some friends and I took a trip to Ludington State Park on Michigan’s west coast. The park sits along Lake Michigan with dunes, trails through the woods, and access to nearby lighthouses. The whole coast of Lake Michigan is amazing, but this little slice is extra nice. If you get the chance to visit Michigan, make sure to travel along the shorelines of the Great Lakes and stop at Ludington State Park.

We lived in nearby Allendale, MI where our college was located so this was an easy little trip for us. We were a bunch of twenty somethings headed camping and we definitely made some memories. The photos I share are from an old camera and are mostly the natural beauty. I didn’t find many photos from our campsite, probably because we were having a real good time.

Spring here in Texas reminds me of summer up in Michigan. The temps are warm enough, the sun is plentiful, and the air is breezy. Here’s to the summer nights of the past and hopefully some in the near future on one of Michigan’s coasts.

#WayBackWednesday - The Four Trips that Started it All

I’m a little overloaded this month with work, so I’m going to share an old series of Way Back Wednesday posts that I created at the end of summer. These posts celebrate the four big road trips that cemented my love for the adventure and seeing as much as I can on an adventure. There are four posts linked on the page below, choose your own adventure! I’m hoping to get back to regularly scheduled programming in a couple of weeks, once my big project wraps up. Until then, please enjoy some of my favorite memories in this crazy life!

#WayBackWednesday - The Four Trips that Started it All

I’m a little overloaded this month with work, so I’m going to share an old series of Way Back Wednesday posts that I created at the end of summer. These posts celebrate the four big road trips that cemented my love for the adventure and seeing as much as I can on an adventure. There are four posts linked on the page below, choose your own adventure! I’m hoping to get back to regularly scheduled programming in a couple of weeks, once my big project wraps up. Until then, please enjoy some of my favorite memories in this crazy life!